Research Camp Interdisciplinary Research Camp: Exploring Innovative Solutions to Global Challenges

ATTENTION SMC FACULTY Good evening Praised be Jesus and Mary The Research Office's recent study reinforced past surveys, showing that lack of time in engaging research activities continue to be…

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CALL FOR PAPERSthe International Journal in Information Technology inGovernance Education and Business (IJITGEB)

has formally opened its call for the special issue on World Learning Labs:Designing Learning Spaces and Programs for the Post-Pandemic World.We invite researchers, practitioners, designers and especially thein-person and virtual…

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The ????????????? ??? ????? ?????????? ??? ??? ??????????? ?????? are open to all NRCP Members!

Hello DOST-NRCP Members!!! CALL FOR APPLICATION! The ????????????? ??? ????? ?????????? ??? ??? ??????????? ?????? are open to all NRCP Members! These grants will give NRCP members an opportunity to…

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